WebEngineScriptCollection QML Type

Manages a collection of user scripts. More...

Import Statement: import QtWebEngine
Since: QtWebEngine 6.2



  • void clear()
  • void contains(WebEngineScript script)
  • list<WebEngineScript> find(string name)
  • void insert(list<WebEngineScript> list)
  • void insert(WebEngineScript script)
  • bool remove(WebEngineScript script)

Detailed Description

WebEngineScriptCollection handles a user scripts collection, which is injected in the JavaScript engine during the loading of web content.

Use WebEgineView.userScripts and WebEngineProfile.userScripts to access the collection of scripts associated with a single page or number of pages sharing the same profile.

The collection of user script objects in QML can be created for a set of user script objects by simple assignment to WebEngineScriptCollection.collection property or by WebEngineScriptCollection methods.

Note: The new user script can be instantiated with JavaScript dictionaries when using collection property.

See the following code snippets demonstrating the usage:

  • collection property with JavaScript dictionaries
     var scriptFoo = { name: "Foo",
                     sourceUrl: Qt.resolvedUrl("foo.js"),
                     injectionPoint: WebEngineScript.DocumentReady }
     webEngineView.userScripts.collection = [ scriptFoo, scriptBar ];
  • collection property with user script object as value type
     var script = WebEngine.script()
     script.name = "FOO"
     webEngineView.userScripts.collection = [ script ]
  • user script collection insert method can be used only with value type or list of value types
     var script = WebEngine.script()
     script.name = "FOO"
     var list = [ script ]

See also WebEngineScript and WebEngineScriptCollection.

Property Documentation

[since QtWebEngine 6.2] collection : list<WebEngineScript>

This property holds a JavaScript array of user script objects. The array can take WebEngineScript basic type or a JavaScript dictionary as values.

This property was introduced in QtWebEngine 6.2.

Method Documentation

[since QtWebEngine 6.2] void clear()

Removes all script objects from this collection.

This method was introduced in QtWebEngine 6.2.

[since QtWebEngine 6.2] void contains(WebEngineScript script)

Checks if the specified script is in the collection.

This method was introduced in QtWebEngine 6.2.

See also find().

[since QtWebEngine 6.2] list<WebEngineScript> find(string name)

Returns a list of all user script objects with the given name.

This method was introduced in QtWebEngine 6.2.

See also find().

[since QtWebEngine 6.2] void insert(list<WebEngineScript> list)

Inserts a list of WebEngineScript values into the user script collection.

This method was introduced in QtWebEngine 6.2.

See also find().

[since QtWebEngine 6.2] void insert(WebEngineScript script)

Inserts a single script into the collection.

This method was introduced in QtWebEngine 6.2.

See also find().

[since QtWebEngine 6.2] bool remove(WebEngineScript script)

Returns true if a given script is removed from the collection.

This method was introduced in QtWebEngine 6.2.

See also insert().