Qt State Machine Examples

The Qt State Machine example applications demonstrate the functionality provided by the Qt State Machine module.

Animated Tiles Example

The Animated Tiles example animates items in a graphics scene.

Event Transitions Example

The Event Transitions example shows how to use event transitions, a feature of Qt State Machine Framework.

Factorial States Example

The Factorial States example shows how to use Qt State Machine Overview to calculate the factorial of an integer.

Move Blocks Example

The Move Blocks example shows how to animate items in a QGraphicsScene using a QStateMachine with a custom transition.

Pad Navigator Example

Demonstrates how to create animated user interface.

Ping Pong States Example

The Ping Pong States example shows how to use parallel states together with custom events and transitions in Qt State Machine Framework.

Rogue Example

The Rogue example shows how to use the Qt state machine for event handling.

States Example

The States example shows how to use the Qt state machine to play animations.

Stickman Example

The Stickman example shows how to animate transitions in a state machine to implement key frame animations.


This example shows Qt's ability to combine the animation framework and the state machine framework to create a game.

Traffic Light Example

The Traffic Light example shows how to use Qt State Machine Overview to implement the control flow of a traffic light.

Two-way Button Example

The Two-way button example shows how to use Qt State Machine Framework to implement a simple state machine that toggles the current state when a button is clicked.