YAnimator QML Type

The YAnimator type animates the y position of an Item. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick 2.2
Since: Qt 5.2


Detailed Description

Animator types are different from normal Animation types. When using an Animator, the animation can be run in the render thread and the property value will jump to the end when the animation is complete.

The value of Item::y is updated after the animation has finished.

The following snippet shows how to use a YAnimator together with a Rectangle item.

 Rectangle {
     id: ymovingBox
     width: 50
     height: 50
     color: "lightsteelblue"
     YAnimator {
         target: ymovingBox;
         from: 10;
         to: 0;
         duration: 1000
         running: true

It is also possible to use the on keyword to tie the YAnimator directly to an Item instance.

 Rectangle {
     width: 50
     height: 50
     color: "lightsteelblue"
     YAnimator on y {
         from: 10;
         to: 0;
         duration: 1000