QOpcUaReferenceDescription Class

Contains information about a node. More...

Header: #include <QOpcUaReferenceDescription>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS OpcUa)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::OpcUa)
qmake: QT += opcua

Public Functions

QOpcUaReferenceDescription(const QOpcUaReferenceDescription &other)
QOpcUaReferenceDescription &operator=(const QOpcUaReferenceDescription &other)
QOpcUaQualifiedName browseName() const
QOpcUaLocalizedText displayName() const
bool isForwardReference() const
QOpcUa::NodeClass nodeClass() const
QString refTypeId() const
void setBrowseName(const QOpcUaQualifiedName &browseName)
void setDisplayName(const QOpcUaLocalizedText &displayName)
void setIsForwardReference(bool isForwardReference)
void setNodeClass(QOpcUa::NodeClass nodeClass)
void setRefTypeId(const QString &refTypeId)
void setTargetNodeId(const QOpcUaExpandedNodeId &nodeId)
void setTypeDefinition(const QOpcUaExpandedNodeId &typeDefinition)
QOpcUaExpandedNodeId targetNodeId() const
QOpcUaExpandedNodeId typeDefinition() const

Detailed Description

This class is used to return the results of a call to QOpcUaNode::browse() or QOpcUaNode::browseChildren().

It contains the type and direction of the reference used to connect the node to the starting node of the browse operation, the node id of the target's type definition node and the values of the following node attributes:


Member Function Documentation

QOpcUaReferenceDescription::QOpcUaReferenceDescription(const QOpcUaReferenceDescription &other)

Creates a copy of the QOpcUaReferenceDescription object other.


Creates an empty QOpcUaReferenceDescription object

QOpcUaReferenceDescription &QOpcUaReferenceDescription::operator=(const QOpcUaReferenceDescription &other)

Assigns the value of other to this object.


Destructor for QOpcUaReferenceDescription

QOpcUaQualifiedName QOpcUaReferenceDescription::browseName() const

Returns the browse name of the node.

See also setBrowseName().

QOpcUaLocalizedText QOpcUaReferenceDescription::displayName() const

Returns the display name of the node.

See also setDisplayName().

bool QOpcUaReferenceDescription::isForwardReference() const

Returns true if the reference is forward.

See also setIsForwardReference().

QOpcUa::NodeClass QOpcUaReferenceDescription::nodeClass() const

Returns the node class of the node.

See also setNodeClass().

QString QOpcUaReferenceDescription::refTypeId() const

Returns the reference type id of the node.

See also setRefTypeId().

void QOpcUaReferenceDescription::setBrowseName(const QOpcUaQualifiedName &browseName)

Sets the browse name of the node to browseName.

See also browseName().

void QOpcUaReferenceDescription::setDisplayName(const QOpcUaLocalizedText &displayName)

Sets the display name of the node to displayName.

See also displayName().

void QOpcUaReferenceDescription::setIsForwardReference(bool isForwardReference)

Sets isForwardReference as isForwardReference information for the reference.

See also isForwardReference().

void QOpcUaReferenceDescription::setNodeClass(QOpcUa::NodeClass nodeClass)

Sets the node class of the node to nodeClass.

See also nodeClass().

void QOpcUaReferenceDescription::setRefTypeId(const QString &refTypeId)

Sets the reference type id of the node to refTypeId.

See also refTypeId() and QOpcUa::nodeIdFromReferenceType().

void QOpcUaReferenceDescription::setTargetNodeId(const QOpcUaExpandedNodeId &nodeId)

Sets the node id of the node to nodeId.

See also targetNodeId().

void QOpcUaReferenceDescription::setTypeDefinition(const QOpcUaExpandedNodeId &typeDefinition)

Sets typeDefinition as id of the type definition.

See also typeDefinition().

QOpcUaExpandedNodeId QOpcUaReferenceDescription::targetNodeId() const

Returns the node id of the node.

See also setTargetNodeId().

QOpcUaExpandedNodeId QOpcUaReferenceDescription::typeDefinition() const

Returns the type definition id.

See also setTypeDefinition().