QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes Class

This class manages attribute values for node creation. More...

Header: #include <QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS OpcUa)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::OpcUa)
qmake: QT += opcua

Public Functions

QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes(const QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes &other)
QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes &operator=(const QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes &rhs)
QOpcUa::AccessLevel accessLevel() const
QList<quint32> arrayDimensions() const
bool containsNoLoops() const
QString dataTypeId() const
QOpcUaLocalizedText description() const
QOpcUaLocalizedText displayName() const
QOpcUa::EventNotifier eventNotifier() const
bool executable() const
bool hasAccessLevel() const
bool hasArrayDimensions() const
bool hasContainsNoLoops() const
bool hasDataTypeId() const
bool hasDescription() const
bool hasDisplayName() const
bool hasEventNotifier() const
bool hasExecutable() const
bool hasHistorizing() const
bool hasInverseName() const
bool hasIsAbstract() const
bool hasMinimumSamplingInterval() const
bool hasSymmetric() const
bool hasUserAccessLevel() const
bool hasUserExecutable() const
bool hasUserWriteMask() const
bool hasValue() const
bool hasValueRank() const
bool hasWriteMask() const
bool historizing() const
QOpcUaLocalizedText inverseName() const
bool isAbstract() const
double minimumSamplingInterval() const
void setAccessLevel(QOpcUa::AccessLevel accessLevel)
void setArrayDimensions(const QList<quint32> &arrayDimensions)
void setContainsNoLoops(bool containsNoLoops)
void setDataTypeId(const QString &dataTypeId)
void setDescription(const QOpcUaLocalizedText &description)
void setDisplayName(const QOpcUaLocalizedText &displayName)
void setEventNotifier(QOpcUa::EventNotifier eventNotifier)
void setExecutable(bool executable)
void setHistorizing(bool historizing)
void setInverseName(const QOpcUaLocalizedText &inverseName)
void setIsAbstract(bool isAbstract)
void setMinimumSamplingInterval(double minimumSamplingInterval)
void setSymmetric(bool symmetric)
void setUserAccessLevel(QOpcUa::AccessLevel userAccessLevel)
void setUserExecutable(bool userExecutable)
void setUserWriteMask(QOpcUa::WriteMask userWriteMask)
void setValue(const QVariant &value, QOpcUa::Types type = QOpcUa::Types::Undefined)
void setValueRank(qint32 valueRank)
void setWriteMask(QOpcUa::WriteMask writeMask)
bool symmetric() const
QOpcUa::AccessLevel userAccessLevel() const
bool userExecutable() const
QOpcUa::WriteMask userWriteMask() const
QVariant value() const
qint32 valueRank() const
QOpcUa::Types valueType() const
QOpcUa::WriteMask writeMask() const

Detailed Description

This class holds values for node attributes that are passed to the server when creating a new node in the OPC UA address space.

The following node attributes are supported by the different node classes:


See also QOpcUaClient::addNode().

Member Function Documentation

QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes(const QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes &other)

Constructs a node creation attributes object with the values of other.

QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes &QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::operator=(const QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes &rhs)

Assigns the value of rhs to this node creation attributes object.

QOpcUa::AccessLevel QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::accessLevel() const

Returns the value for the AccessLevel attribute.

See also setAccessLevel().

QList<quint32> QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::arrayDimensions() const

Returns the value for the ArrayDimensions attribute.

See also setArrayDimensions().

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::containsNoLoops() const

Returns the value for the ContainsNoLoops attribute.

See also setContainsNoLoops().

QString QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::dataTypeId() const

Returns the value for the DataType attribute.

See also setDataTypeId().

QOpcUaLocalizedText QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::description() const

Returns the value for the Description attribute.

See also setDescription().

QOpcUaLocalizedText QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::displayName() const

Returns the value for the DisplayName attribute.

See also setDisplayName().

QOpcUa::EventNotifier QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::eventNotifier() const

Returns the value for the EventNotifier attribute.

See also setEventNotifier().

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::executable() const

Returns the value for the Executable attribute.

See also setExecutable().

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasAccessLevel() const

Returns true if a value for the AccessLevel attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasArrayDimensions() const

Returns true if a value for the ArrayDimensions attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasContainsNoLoops() const

Returns true if a value for the ContainsNoLoops attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasDataTypeId() const

Returns true if a value for the DataType attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasDescription() const

Returns true if a value for the Description attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasDisplayName() const

Returns true if a value for the DisplayName attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasEventNotifier() const

Returns true if a value for the EventNotifier attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasExecutable() const

Returns true if a value for the Executable attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasHistorizing() const

Returns true if a value for the Historizing attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasInverseName() const

Returns true if a value for the InverseName attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasIsAbstract() const

Returns true if a value for the IsAbstract attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasMinimumSamplingInterval() const

Returns true if a value for the MinimumSamplingInterval attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasSymmetric() const

Returns true if a value for the Symmetric attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasUserAccessLevel() const

Returns true if a value for the UserAccessLevel attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasUserExecutable() const

Returns true if a value for the UserExecutable attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasUserWriteMask() const

Returns true if a value for the UserWriteMask attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasValue() const

Returns true if a value for the Value attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasValueRank() const

Returns true if a value for the ValueRank attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::hasWriteMask() const

Returns true if a value for the WriteMask attribute is set.

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::historizing() const

Returns the value for the Historizing attribute.

See also setHistorizing().

QOpcUaLocalizedText QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::inverseName() const

Returns the value for the InverseName attribute.

See also setInverseName().

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::isAbstract() const

Returns the value for the IsAbstract attribute.

See also setIsAbstract().

double QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::minimumSamplingInterval() const

Returns the value for the MinimumSamplingInterval attribute.

See also setMinimumSamplingInterval().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setAccessLevel(QOpcUa::AccessLevel accessLevel)

Sets the value for the AccessLevel attribute to accessLevel.

See also accessLevel().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setArrayDimensions(const QList<quint32> &arrayDimensions)

Sets the value for the ArrayDimensions attribute to arrayDimensions.

See also arrayDimensions().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setContainsNoLoops(bool containsNoLoops)

Sets the value for the ContainsNoLoops attribute to containsNoLoops.

See also containsNoLoops().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setDataTypeId(const QString &dataTypeId)

Sets the value for the DataType attribute to dataTypeId.

See also dataTypeId().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setDescription(const QOpcUaLocalizedText &description)

Sets the value for the Description attribute to description.

See also description().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setDisplayName(const QOpcUaLocalizedText &displayName)

Sets the value for the DisplayName attribute to displayName.

See also displayName().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setEventNotifier(QOpcUa::EventNotifier eventNotifier)

Sets the value for the EventNotifier attribute to eventNotifier.

See also eventNotifier().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setExecutable(bool executable)

Sets the value for the Executable attribute to executable.

See also executable().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setHistorizing(bool historizing)

Sets the value for the Historizing attribute to historizing.

See also historizing().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setInverseName(const QOpcUaLocalizedText &inverseName)

Sets the value for the InverseName attribute to inverseName.

See also inverseName().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setIsAbstract(bool isAbstract)

Sets the value for the IsAbstract attribute to isAbstract.

See also isAbstract().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setMinimumSamplingInterval(double minimumSamplingInterval)

Sets the value for the MinimumSamplingInterval attribute to minimumSamplingInterval.

See also minimumSamplingInterval().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setSymmetric(bool symmetric)

Sets the value for the Symmetric attribute to symmetric.

See also symmetric().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setUserAccessLevel(QOpcUa::AccessLevel userAccessLevel)

Sets the value for the UserAccessLevel attribute to userAccessLevel.

See also userAccessLevel().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setUserExecutable(bool userExecutable)

Sets the value for the UserExecutable attribute to userExecutable.

See also userExecutable().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setUserWriteMask(QOpcUa::WriteMask userWriteMask)

Sets the value for the UserWriteMask attribute to userWriteMask.

See also userWriteMask().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setValue(const QVariant &value, QOpcUa::Types type = QOpcUa::Types::Undefined)

Sets the value for the Value attribute to value of type type.

See also value().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setValueRank(qint32 valueRank)

Sets the value for the ValueRank attribute to valueRank.

See also valueRank().

void QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::setWriteMask(QOpcUa::WriteMask writeMask)

Sets the value for the WriteMask attribute to writeMask.

See also writeMask().

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::symmetric() const

Returns the value for the Symmetric attribute.

See also setSymmetric().

QOpcUa::AccessLevel QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::userAccessLevel() const

Returns the value for the UserAccessLevel attribute.

See also setUserAccessLevel().

bool QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::userExecutable() const

Returns the value for the UserExecutable attribute.

See also setUserExecutable().

QOpcUa::WriteMask QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::userWriteMask() const

Returns the value for the UserWriteMask attribute.

See also setUserWriteMask().

QVariant QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::value() const

Returns the value for the Value attribute.

See also setValue().

qint32 QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::valueRank() const

Returns the value for the ValueRank attribute.

See also setValueRank().

QOpcUa::Types QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::valueType() const

Returns the type of the value attribute.

QOpcUa::WriteMask QOpcUaNodeCreationAttributes::writeMask() const

Returns the value for the WriteMask attribute.

See also setWriteMask().