QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest Class

This class stores the necessary information to request historic data from a server. More...

Header: #include <QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS OpcUa)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::OpcUa)
qmake: QT += opcua
Since: Qt 6.3

Public Functions

QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &other)
QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest(const QList<QOpcUaReadItem> &nodesToRead, const QDateTime &startTimestamp, const QDateTime &endTimestamp, quint32 numValuesPerNode = 0, bool returnBounds = false)
QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &operator=(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &other)
void addNodeToRead(const QOpcUaReadItem &nodeToRead)
QDateTime endTimestamp() const
QList<QOpcUaReadItem> nodesToRead() const
quint32 numValuesPerNode() const
bool returnBounds() const
void setEndTimestamp(const QDateTime &endTimestamp)
void setNodesToRead(const QList<QOpcUaReadItem> &nodesToRead)
void setNumValuesPerNode(quint32 numValuesPerNode)
void setReturnBounds(bool returnBounds)
void setStartTimestamp(const QDateTime &startTimestamp)
QDateTime startTimestamp() const
void swap(QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &other)
bool operator!=(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &lhs, const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &rhs)
bool operator==(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &lhs, const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &rhs)

Detailed Description

This is the Qt OPC UA representation for the OPC UA ReadRawModifiedDetails for reading historical data defined in OPC-UA part 11, 6.4.3.

When requesting historic data from a server, several values need to be provided to the server to know which data to collect. The QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest class provides the required values. startTimestamp and endTimestamp define the timerange where historic data should be collected from. nodesToRead defines from which nodes historic data should be collected. numValuesPerNode defines the maximum number of data values that should be returned per node. returnBounds defines if the bounding values should be included in the result.

Member Function Documentation

QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &other)

Constructs a QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest item from other.

QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest(const QList<QOpcUaReadItem> &nodesToRead, const QDateTime &startTimestamp, const QDateTime &endTimestamp, quint32 numValuesPerNode = 0, bool returnBounds = false)

Constructs a QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest item with the given values.


Constructs an invalid QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest.

QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::operator=(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &other)

Sets the values from other in this QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest item.


Destroys the request object.

void QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::addNodeToRead(const QOpcUaReadItem &nodeToRead)

Adds a node to the nodeToRead list.

QDateTime QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::endTimestamp() const

Returns the end time stamp.

See also setEndTimestamp().

QList<QOpcUaReadItem> QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::nodesToRead() const

Returns the list of nodes to read.

See also setNodesToRead().

quint32 QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::numValuesPerNode() const

Returns the number of values per node.

See also setNumValuesPerNode().

bool QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::returnBounds() const

Returns if the return bounds should be requested.

See also setReturnBounds().

void QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::setEndTimestamp(const QDateTime &endTimestamp)

Sets endTimestamp for the historical data to be fetched.

See also endTimestamp().

void QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::setNodesToRead(const QList<QOpcUaReadItem> &nodesToRead)

Sets the nodesToRead list.

See also nodesToRead().

void QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::setNumValuesPerNode(quint32 numValuesPerNode)

Sets numValuesPerNode to indicate the number of values per node to be fetched.

See also numValuesPerNode().

void QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::setReturnBounds(bool returnBounds)

Sets returnBounds to indicate if the return bounds should be requested.

See also returnBounds().

void QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::setStartTimestamp(const QDateTime &startTimestamp)

Sets startTimestamp for the historical data to be fetched.

See also startTimestamp().

QDateTime QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::startTimestamp() const

Returns the start time stamp.

See also setStartTimestamp().

void QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest::swap(QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &other)

Swaps this request instance with other. This function is very fast and never fails.

Related Non-Members

bool operator!=(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &lhs, const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &rhs)

Returns true if lhs is not equal to rhs; otherwise returns false.

Two QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest items are considered not equal if their startTimestamp, endTimestamp, numValuesPerNode, returnBounds or nodesToRead are not equal.

bool operator==(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &lhs, const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &rhs)

Returns true if lhs is equal to rhs; otherwise returns false.

Two QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest items are considered equal if their startTimestamp, endTimestamp, numValuesPerNode, returnBounds and nodesToRead are equal.