All QML Modules

These are the QML API pages for Qt's QML modules.

Qt 3D Core QML Types

Provides core Qt 3D QML types

Qt 3D Extras QML Types

Provides Qt 3D QML types for the extras module

Qt 3D Input QML Types

Provides QML types for Qt 3D user input

Qt 3D Logic QML Types

Provides QML types to synchronize frames with the 3D backend

Qt 3D Qt3DAnimation QML Types

Provides Qt 3D QML types for the animation module

Qt 3D Render QML Types

Provides Qt 3D QML types for rendering

Qt 3D Scene2D QML Types

Provides Qt 3D QML types for the scene2d module

Qt 3D Scene3D QML Types

Provides Qt 3D QML types for the Scene3D module

Qt 5 Compatibility APIs: Graphical Effect QML Types

Qt Graphical Effects module is provided for compatibility with applications written for Qt 5

Qt Charts QML Types

QML types for the Qt Charts API

Qt Labs FolderListModel QML Types

FolderListModel provides a model of the contents of a file system folder

Qt Labs Platform QML Types

Provides QML types for native platform extensions

Qt Labs Settings QML Types

Provides persistent platform-independent application settings

Qt Labs WavefrontMesh QML Types

WavefrontMesh provides a mesh based on a Wavefront .obj file

Qt Lottie Animation QML Types

Provides QML types to display Bodymovin graphics and animations

Qt Multimedia QML Types

Provides QML types for multimedia support


Provides QML types for Qt OPC UA

Qt Positioning QML Types

Provides QML types for position information

Qt QML Core QML Types

Provides core system functionality in QML

Qt QML Models QML Types

Provides QML types for data models

Qt QML Models experimental QML Types

Provides QML experimental types for data models

Qt QML QML Types

List of QML types provided by the Qt QML module

Qt QML WorkerScript QML Types

Provides QML types for worker scripts

Qt Quick 3D Asset Utility QML Types

Provides a way to load 3D assets directly from source at runtime

Qt Quick 3D Effects QML Types

Provides QML types for the effects included in the Qt Quick 3D effect library

Qt Quick 3D Helpers QML Types

Module containing helpers for creating applications using Qt Quick 3D

Qt Quick 3D Particles3D QML Types

Module containing Particles for the Qt Quick 3D

Qt Quick 3D QML Types

Provides the QML types to include 3D items into a Qt Quick scene

Qt Quick Controls QML Types

Provides QML types for user interfaces (Qt Quick Controls)

Qt Quick Dialogs QML Types

Provides QML types for creating and interacting with system dialogs

Qt Quick Layouts QML Types

Provides QML types for arranging QML items in a user interface

Qt Quick Local Storage QML Types

Provides a JavaScript object singleton type for accessing a local SQLite database

Qt Quick Particles QML Types

Provides QML types for particle effects

Qt Quick QML Types

Provides graphical QML types

Qt Quick Shapes QML Types

Provides QML types for drawing stroked and filled shapes

Qt Quick Shared Image Provider

Adds an image provider which utilizes shared CPU memory

Qt Quick Templates 2 QML Types

Provides QML types for templates (Qt Quick Templates)

Qt Quick Test QML Types

Provides QML types to unit test your QML application

Qt Quick Timeline QML Types

Provides QML types to use timelines and keyframes to animate Qt Quick user interfaces

Qt Quick Virtual Keyboard Settings QML Types

Provides settings for Qt Virtual Keyboard

Qt Quick Virtual Keyboard Styles QML Types

Provides styling for Qt Virtual Keyboard

Qt Quick experimental animation types

Provides QML experimental types for animation

Qt Remote Objects QML Types

Provides QML types for remote objects support


Enables the use of SCXML state machines with QML

Qt Sensors QML Types

Provides QML types for reading sensor data

Qt State Machine QML Types

Enables the use of State Machine with QML

Qt Virtual Keyboard QML Types

Provides QML types for an input framework and a reference keyboard front end

Qt Wayland Compositor QML Types

Provides QML types for writing custom Wayland display servers

Qt WebChannel QML Types

List of QML types that provide WebChannel functionality

Qt WebEngine QML Types

Provides QML types for rendering web content within a QML application

Qt WebSockets QML Types

Provides QML types for WebSocket-based communication

Qt WebView QML Types

Provides QML types for Qt WebView

Qt XmlListModel QML Types

Provides QML types for creating models from XML data