QModelRoleDataSpan Class

The QModelRoleDataSpan class provides a span over QModelRoleData objects. More...

Header: #include <QModelRoleDataSpan>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Core REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core)
qmake: QT += core
Since: Qt 6.0

Public Functions

QModelRoleDataSpan(Container &c)
QModelRoleDataSpan(QModelRoleData *modelRoleData, qsizetype len)
QModelRoleDataSpan(QModelRoleData &modelRoleData)
QModelRoleData *begin() const
QModelRoleData *data() const
QVariant *dataForRole(int role) const
QModelRoleData *end() const
qsizetype length() const
qsizetype size() const
QModelRoleData &operator[](qsizetype index) const

Detailed Description

A QModelRoleDataSpan is used as an abstraction over an array of QModelRoleData objects.

Like a view, QModelRoleDataSpan provides a small object (pointer and size) that can be passed to functions that need to examine the contents of the array. A QModelRoleDataSpan can be constructed from any array-like sequence (plain arrays, QVector, std::vector, QVarLengthArray, and so on). Moreover, it does not own the sequence, which must therefore be kept alive longer than any QModelRoleDataSpan objects referencing it.

Unlike a view, QModelRoleDataSpan is a span, so it allows for modifications to the underlying elements.

QModelRoleDataSpan's main use case is making it possible for a model to return the data corresponding to different roles in one call.

In order to draw one element from a model, a view (through its delegates) will generally request multiple roles for the same index by calling data() as many times as needed:

 QVariant text = model->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole);
 QVariant decoration = model->data(index, Qt::DecorationRole);
 QVariant checkState = model->data(index, Qt::CheckStateRole);
 // etc.

QModelRoleDataSpan allows a view to request the same data using just one function call.

This is achieved by having the view prepare a suitable array of QModelRoleData objects, each initialized with the role that should be fetched. The array is then wrapped in a QModelRoleDataSpan object, which is then passed to a model's multiData() function.

 std::array<QModelRoleData, 3> roleData = { {
 } };

 // Usually, this is not necessary: A QModelRoleDataSpan
 // will be built automatically for you when passing an array-like
 // container to multiData().
 QModelRoleDataSpan span(roleData);

 model->multiData(index, span);

 // Use roleData[0].data(), roleData[1].data(), etc.

Views are encouraged to store the array of QModelRoleData objects (and, possibly, the corresponding span) and re-use it in subsequent calls to the model. This allows to reduce the memory allocations related with creating and returning QVariant objects.

Finally, given a QModelRoleDataSpan object, the model's responsibility is to fill in the data corresponding to each role in the span. How this is done depends on the concrete model class. Here's a sketch of a possible implementation that iterates over the span and uses setData() on each element:

 void MyModel::multiData(const QModelIndex &index, QModelRoleDataSpan roleDataSpan) const
     for (QModelRoleData &roleData : roleDataSpan) {
         int role = roleData.role();

         // ... obtain the data for index and role ...


See also Model/View Programming and QAbstractItemModel::multiData().

Member Function Documentation

template <typename Container, if_compatible_container<Container>> QModelRoleDataSpan::QModelRoleDataSpan(Container &c)

Constructs an QModelRoleDataSpan spanning over the container c, which can be any contiguous container of QModelRoleData objects. For instance, it can be a QVector<QModelRoleData>, a std::array<QModelRoleData, 10> and so on.

Note: The container must be kept alive as long as this object has not been destructed.

QModelRoleDataSpan::QModelRoleDataSpan(QModelRoleData *modelRoleData, qsizetype len)

Constructs an QModelRoleDataSpan spanning over the array beginning at modelRoleData and with length len.

Note: The array must be kept alive as long as this object has not been destructed.

QModelRoleDataSpan::QModelRoleDataSpan(QModelRoleData &modelRoleData)

Constructs an QModelRoleDataSpan spanning over modelRoleData, seen as a 1-element array.


Constructs an empty QModelRoleDataSpan. Its data() will be set to nullptr, and its length to zero.

QModelRoleData *QModelRoleDataSpan::begin() const

Returns a pointer to the beginning of the span represented by this object.

QModelRoleData *QModelRoleDataSpan::data() const

Returns a pointer to the beginning of the span represented by this object.

QVariant *QModelRoleDataSpan::dataForRole(int role) const

Returns the data associated with the first QModelRoleData in the span that has its role equal to role. If such a QModelRoleData object does not exist, the behavior is undefined.

Note: Avoid calling this function from the model's side, as a model cannot possibly know in advance which roles are in a given QModelRoleDataSpan. This function is instead suitable for views and delegates, which have control over the roles in the span.

See also QModelRoleData::data().

QModelRoleData *QModelRoleDataSpan::end() const

Returns a pointer to the imaginary element one past the end of the span represented by this object.

qsizetype QModelRoleDataSpan::length() const

Returns the length of the span represented by this object.

qsizetype QModelRoleDataSpan::size() const

Returns the length of the span represented by this object.

QModelRoleData &QModelRoleDataSpan::operator[](qsizetype index) const

Returns a modifiable reference to the QModelRoleData at position index in the span.

Note: index must be a valid index for this span (0 <= index < size()).