QCoapRequest Class

The QCoapRequest class holds a CoAP request. This request can be sent with QCoapClient. More...

Header: #include <QCoapRequest>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Coap)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Coap)
qmake: QT += coap
Inherits: QCoapMessage

Note: All functions in this class are reentrant.

Public Functions

QCoapRequest(const QCoapRequest &other)
QCoapRequest(const char *url, QCoapMessage::Type type = Type::NonConfirmable)
QCoapRequest(const QUrl &url = QUrl(), QCoapMessage::Type type = Type::NonConfirmable, const QUrl &proxyUrl = QUrl())
QCoapRequest &operator=(const QCoapRequest &other)
void enableObserve()
bool isObserve() const
QtCoap::Method method() const
QUrl proxyUrl() const
void setProxyUrl(const QUrl &proxyUrl)
void setUrl(const QUrl &url)
QUrl url() const

Detailed Description

The QCoapRequest contains data needed to make CoAP frames that can be sent to the URL it holds.

See also QCoapClient, QCoapReply, and QCoapResourceDiscoveryReply.

Member Function Documentation

QCoapRequest::QCoapRequest(const QCoapRequest &other)

Constructs a copy of the other QCoapRequest.

QCoapRequest::QCoapRequest(const char *url, QCoapMessage::Type type = Type::NonConfirmable)

Constructs a QCoapRequest from a string literal

QCoapRequest::QCoapRequest(const QUrl &url = QUrl(), QCoapMessage::Type type = Type::NonConfirmable, const QUrl &proxyUrl = QUrl())

Constructs a QCoapRequest object with the target url, the proxy URL proxyUrl and the type of the message.

QCoapRequest &QCoapRequest::operator=(const QCoapRequest &other)

Creates a copy of other.


Destroys the QCoapRequest.

void QCoapRequest::enableObserve()

Sets the observe to true to make an observe request.

See also isObserve().

bool QCoapRequest::isObserve() const

Returns true if the request is an observe request.

See also enableObserve().

QtCoap::Method QCoapRequest::method() const

Returns the method of the request.

QUrl QCoapRequest::proxyUrl() const

Returns the proxy URI of the request. The request shall be sent directly if this is invalid.

See also setProxyUrl().

void QCoapRequest::setProxyUrl(const QUrl &proxyUrl)

Sets the proxy URI of the request to the given proxyUrl.

See also proxyUrl().

void QCoapRequest::setUrl(const QUrl &url)

Sets the target URI of the request to the given url.

If not indicated, the scheme of the URL will default to 'coap', and its port will default to 5683.

See also url().

QUrl QCoapRequest::url() const

Returns the target URI of the request.

See also setUrl().