List of All Members for QStringView

This is the complete list of members for QStringView, including inherited members.

  • front() const : QChar
  • indexOf(QChar, qsizetype, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : qsizetype
  • indexOf(QStringView, qsizetype, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : qsizetype
  • indexOf(QLatin1String, qsizetype, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : qsizetype
  • indexOf(const QRegularExpression &, qsizetype, QRegularExpressionMatch *) const : qsizetype
  • isEmpty() const : bool
  • isNull() const : bool
  • isRightToLeft() const : bool
  • isValidUtf16() const : bool
  • last(qsizetype) const : QStringView
  • last() const : QChar
  • lastIndexOf(QChar, qsizetype, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : qsizetype
  • lastIndexOf(QStringView, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : qsizetype
  • lastIndexOf(QStringView, qsizetype, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : qsizetype
  • lastIndexOf(QLatin1String, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : qsizetype
  • lastIndexOf(QLatin1String, qsizetype, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : qsizetype
  • lastIndexOf(const QRegularExpression &, QRegularExpressionMatch *) const : qsizetype
  • lastIndexOf(const QRegularExpression &, qsizetype, QRegularExpressionMatch *) const : qsizetype
  • length() const : qsizetype
  • rbegin() const : QStringView::const_reverse_iterator
  • rend() const : QStringView::const_reverse_iterator
  • size() const : qsizetype
  • sliced(qsizetype, qsizetype) const : QStringView
  • sliced(qsizetype) const : QStringView
  • split(QStringView, Qt::SplitBehavior, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : QList<QStringView>
  • split(QChar, Qt::SplitBehavior, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : QList<QStringView>
  • split(const QRegularExpression &, Qt::SplitBehavior) const : QList<QStringView>
  • startsWith(QStringView, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : bool
  • startsWith(QLatin1String, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : bool
  • startsWith(QChar) const : bool
  • startsWith(QChar, Qt::CaseSensitivity) const : bool
  • toCFString() const : CFStringRef
  • toDouble(bool *) const : double
  • toFloat(bool *) const : float
  • toInt(bool *, int) const : int
  • toLatin1() const : QByteArray
  • toLocal8Bit() const : QByteArray
  • toLong(bool *, int) const : long
  • toLongLong(bool *, int) const : qlonglong
  • toNSString() const : NSString *
  • toShort(bool *, int) const : short
  • toString() const : QString
  • toUInt(bool *, int) const : uint
  • toULong(bool *, int) const : ulong
  • toULongLong(bool *, int) const : qulonglong
  • toUShort(bool *, int) const : ushort
  • toUcs4() const : QList<uint>
  • toUtf8() const : QByteArray
  • toWCharArray(wchar_t *) const : qsizetype
  • tokenize(Needle &&, Flags...) const : decltype(qTokenize(*this, std::forward<Needle>(needle), flags...))
  • trimmed() const : QStringView
  • truncate(qsizetype)
  • utf16() const : const QStringView::storage_type *
  • operator[](qsizetype) const : QChar