Qt Quick 3D - Effects Example

Demonstrates the built-in post-processing effects.

This example demonstrates all the pre-made post-processing effects that are available in the QtQuick3D.Effects module. It provides a user interface for changing the properties of each effect, and allows effects to be chained together.

When effects are combined, the result of one effect is used as input for the next. Note that chaining a large number of effects will incur a performance penalty. A custom effect may be more suitable in this case.

The example itself is relatively straightforward. It consists of a scene with two cubes and a sphere with different textures and materials chosen to show the results of each effect:

 Node {
     id: scene

     Model {
         source: "#Cube"
         x: -100
         eulerRotation.y: 45
         eulerRotation.x: 30 + view3D.animationValue
         scale: Qt.vector3d(2, 2, 2)
         materials: DefaultMaterial {
             diffuseMap: corkTexture

     Model {
         source: "#Cube"
         x: 350 * Math.sin(view3D.fastAnimationValue/180 * Math.PI)
         y: 350 * Math.cos(view3D.fastAnimationValue/180 * Math.PI)
         z: -300
         eulerRotation.y: 5
         eulerRotation.x: 5
         scale: Qt.vector3d(1.2, 1.2, 1.2)
         materials: DefaultMaterial {
             diffuseMap: textTexture

     Model {
         source: "#Sphere"
         x: 80
         y: -40
         z: 200
         scale: Qt.vector3d(1.4, 1.4, 1.4)
         materials: PrincipledMaterial {
             baseColor: "#41cd52"
             metalness: 0.0
             roughness: 0.1
             opacity: 1.0

The bulk of the example is the code that sets up each effect and adds the user interface for its properties:

 EffectBox {
     id: chromaticBox
     text: "ChromaticAberration"
     effect: ChromaticAberration {
         aberrationAmount: chromaticAmount.sliderValue
         focusDepth: chromaticDepth.sliderValue
 SettingsGroup {
     visible: chromaticBox.checked
     EffectSlider {
         id: chromaticAmount
         fromValue: -200.0
         toValue: 200.0
         sliderValue: 50
         precision: 0
         description: "aberration amount"
     EffectSlider {
         id: chromaticDepth
         fromValue: 0.0
         toValue: 1000.0
         sliderValue: 600
         precision: 0
         description: "focus depth"

The example defines a number of custom QML types for convenience. These are made for the needs of this specific example, and will not be described in detail.

EffectBoxA CheckBox containing and enabling/disabling an effect
EffectColorA very simple color picker consisting of three Slider items
EffectSliderA Slider with a label showing the value, and an optional exponential mode
SettingsGroupA Column with a frame around it and a background color.

