Qt Quick 3D - Antialiasing Example

Demonstrates the antialiasing modes in Qt Quick 3D.

The Antialiasing example demonstrates how to control antialiasing in Qt Quick 3D. It shows a simple scene that exhibits antialiasing artifacts. There is a simple Qt Quick user interface that allows choosing between the antialiasing types, and setting the options that control them.

The test scene

This example shows a simple scene that contains a sphere and two rotated cubes. The scene is set up so that it clearly shows jagged edges when antialiasing is not enabled.

Controlling antialiasing

Antialiasing is controlled by the SceneEnvironment object. The values are set based on the selection made in the user interface.

The antialiasing mode can be set to NoAA to disable antialiasing, or to one of the following:

  • SSAA for supersample antialiasing
  • MSAA for multisample antialiasing
  • ProgressiveAA for progressive antialiasing

The antialiasing quality can be set to Medium, High, or VeryHigh.

In addition, temporal antialiasing can be enabled independently.

      environment: SceneEnvironment {
          id: sceneEnvironment
          clearColor: "#f0f0f0"
          backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.Color

          antialiasingMode: modeButton1.checked ? SceneEnvironment.NoAA : modeButton2.checked
                                                  ? SceneEnvironment.SSAA : modeButton3.checked
                                                    ? SceneEnvironment.MSAA : SceneEnvironment.ProgressiveAA

          antialiasingQuality: qualityButton1.checked ? SceneEnvironment.Medium : qualityButton2.checked
                                                        ? SceneEnvironment.High : SceneEnvironment.VeryHigh
          temporalAAEnabled: temporalModeButton.checked
          temporalAAStrength: temporalStrengthSlider.value

See the Anti-Aliasing page in the asset conditioning section for further discussion on antialiasing.
