Qt Protobuf Well-Known Types C++ Classes

The Qt Protobuf Well-Known Types module provides support for some of the types available from the Well-Known Types package. More...

This module was introduced in Qt 6.6.



A helper class to simplify working with the protobuf Any type

Detailed Description

QtProtobufWellKnownTypes contains the following Protobuf Well-Known types: Supported types:

To use well-known type in your project you may include the corresponding google .proto file in your interface:

 syntax = "proto3";
 package somepackage;
 import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
 message Message {
     google.protobuf.Any payload = 1;

To use the types listed you must link with the QtProtobuf WellKnownTypes library by adding the following line to your CMakeLists.txt file:

 target_link_libraries(YourTargetName PRIVATE Qt::ProtobufWellKnownTypes)