Qt Positioning NMEA plugin


Included with Qt Positioning is a position plugin which parses NMEA sentences into position updates. This plugin can use serial port, socket or file as a source.

This plugin can be loaded by using the provider name nmea.


The following table lists parameters that can be passed to the nmea plugin.

nmea.sourceThe source that will be used to get NMEA data.
nmea.satellite_info_simulation_intervalThe interval for reading satellite information data from the file in simulation mode.

Different sources require different ways of providing the data. The following table lists different ways of providing nmea.source parameter for socket, serial port and file inputs.

socket://hostname:portsocket://localhost:12345Use socket: keyword to specify that you want to get the nmea data from the socket. A TCP socket will be created, which will try to connect to host hostname using port port. Upon successful connection a text NMEA stream is expected to be received from the server.
serial:portnameserial:/dev/ttyUSB0Use serial: keyword to specify that you want to get the nmea data from the serial port. The plugin will try to establish a connection to port portname with baudrate = 4800 Bd. Upon successful connection a text NMEA stream is expected to be received from the serial port. If you use serial: without any port name, the plugin will try to find one of the well known serial devices using vendor identifier. Note however that this is not a recommended way of using the serial port connection, as the list of well-known devices is small and most probably does not include your hardware.
filepath/home/user/nmealog.txtUse file:/// or just full file path to specify a path to a local file.
qrc:///filepathqrc:///nmealog.txtUse qrc:/// prefix to specify a path to a file in the application resources.

Note: If nmea.source parameter is not specified, the plugin will try to locate one of the well-known serial devices (as if nmea.source = serial: was specified).

Position source usage example

The following examples show how to create a nmea PositionSource using different data sources.


 // text file
 PositionSource {
     name: "nmea"
     PluginParameter { name: "nmea.source"; value: "qrc:///nmealog.txt" }

 // socket
 PositionSource {
     name: "nmea"
     PluginParameter { name: "nmea.source"; value: "socket://localhost:22222" }

 // serial port
 PositionSource {
     name: "nmea"
     PluginParameter { name: "nmea.source"; value: "serial:/dev/ttyACM0" }


 // text file
 QVariantMap params;
 params["nmea.source"] = "qrc:///nmealog.txt";
 QGeoPositionInfoSource *textPositionSource = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createSource("nmea", params, this);

 // socket
 params["nmea.source"] = "socket://localhost:22222";
 QGeoPositionInfoSource *socketPositionSource = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createSource("nmea", params, this);

 // serial port
 params["nmea.source"] = "serial:/dev/ttyACM0";
 QGeoPositionInfoSource *serialPositionSource = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createSource("nmea", params, this);

Note: Once a PositionSource is created, it can't be reconfigured to use other type of source data.

Satellite information source usage example

Apart from the position information, nmea plugin is also capable of providing satellite information. For now it does not have any QML object, but can be created directly from C++ code.

 // serial port
 QVariantMap parameters;
 parameters["nmea.source"] = "serial:/dev/ttyUSB0";
 QGeoSatelliteInfoSource *serialSource = QGeoSatelliteInfoSource::createSource("nmea", parameters, this);

 // socket
 parameters["nmea.source"] = "socket://localhost:22222";
 QGeoSatelliteInfoSource *socketSource = QGeoSatelliteInfoSource::createSource("nmea", parameters, this);

If you want to use QGeoSatelliteInfoSource to read file with NMEA stream, you can also use additional parameter "nmea.satellite_info_simulation_interval". This parameter is used to specify the playback rate (in milliseconds) for the satellite info messages. The minimum allowed frequency is specified by minimumUpdateInterval(). If you specify a smaller value, it will be ignored. If no value is specified, the default value is qMax(100, minimumUpdateInterval()). At runtime QNmeaSatelliteInfoSource::setBackendProperty() method can be used to update this parameter.

 // file
 QVariantMap parameters;
 parameters["nmea.source"] = "qrc:///nmealog.txt";
 parameters["nmea.satellite_info_simulation_interval"] = 1000;
 QGeoSatelliteInfoSource *fileSource = QGeoSatelliteInfoSource::createSource("nmea", parameters, this);

This parameter is not applicable to position source because NMEA protocol already has timestamps in position messages. These timestamps are used to simulate the correct message rate while using QGeoPositionInfoSource with file as a data source.

Note: Once a QGeoSatelliteInfoSource is created, it can't be reconfigured to use other type of source data.