Qt Multimedia Examples

The Qt Multimedia module provides cross-platform multimedia capabilities for Qt based applications.

The examples listed below show some typical use cases in various areas, featuring both low-level audio examples, high level audio and video playback as well as capturing and recording of audiovisual content using both C++ and QML.

Audio Devices Example

Testing the available audio devices and their configuration.

Audio Output Example

Enabling audio playback using the QAudioSink class.

Audio Recorder Example

Discovering the available devices and supported codecs.

Audio Source Example

Recording audio using the QAudioSource class.

Camera Example

Shows how to capture a still image or record video. or video.

Media Player Example

Playing audio and video.

QML Camera Example

The Camera Example shows how to use the API to capture a still image or video.

QML Media Player Example

Playing audio and video using Qt Quick.

QML Recorder Example

Recording audio and video using Qt Quick.

QML Video Example

Transforming video and camera viewfinder content.

Spectrum Example

Analyzing a raw audio stream using the FFTReal library.

Video Graphics Item Example

Streaming video on a graphics scene.

Video Widget Example

Implementing a video player widget.