Simple Example

Simple example of how to set up an HTTP server.

This example shows how to set up a server using the QHttpServer class. The server is bound to an incoming port using the listen() function, and the route() function is used to add a handler for each of several different incoming URLs. For one of the URLs, "/auth", Basic HTTP Authentication is used.

 const auto sslCertificateChain =
 if (sslCertificateChain.empty()) {
     qDebug() << QCoreApplication::translate("QHttpServerExample",
                                             "Couldn't retrive SSL certificate from file.");
     return 0;
 QFile privateKeyFile(QStringLiteral(":/assets/private.key"));
 if (! {
     qDebug() << QCoreApplication::translate("QHttpServerExample",
                                             "Couldn't open file for reading.");
     return 0;
 httpServer.sslSetup(sslCertificateChain.front(), QSslKey(&privateKeyFile, QSsl::Rsa));

 const auto sslPort = httpServer.listen(QHostAddress::Any);
 if (!sslPort) {
     qDebug() << QCoreApplication::translate("QHttpServerExample",
                                             "Server failed to listen on a port.");
     return 0;

In the above example QSslConfiguration is used to show how to create an SSL configuration for a QHttpServer to serve HTTPS traffic.

