Deploying to Devices

Deploy configurations in the Projects mode Run Settings handle the packaging of the application as an executable and copying it to a location you want to run the executable at. The files can be copied to a location in the file system of the development PC or a device.

  • Deploying Applications to Android Devices

    When you deploy the application to an Android device, Qt Creator copies the application files to the device. In addition, you can determine the Qt libraries to use.

  • Deploying Applications to Boot2Qt Devices

    When you deploy the application to a Boot2Qt device, Qt Creator copies the application files to the connected device. You can then test and debug the application on the device with Qt Creator.

  • Deploying Applications to Generic Remote Linux Devices

    When you deploy the application to a generic Linux-based device, Qt Creator copies the application files to the connected device. You can then test and debug the application on the device with Qt Creator.

  • Deploying Applications to QNX Neutrino Devices

    When you deploy the application to a QNX Neutrino device, Qt Creator copies the application files to the connected device. You can then test and debug the application on the device with Qt Creator.